import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from neo4j import GraphDatabase # Load environment variables from .env file load_dotenv() # Get Neo4j connection info from environment variables NEO4J_URI = os.getenv('NEO4J_URI') NEO4J_USER = os.getenv('NEO4J_USER') NEO4J_PASSWORD = os.getenv('NEO4J_PASSWORD') # Function to connect to the Neo4j database and fetch the "sponsors.0.bioguideId" property of all Bill nodes def get_sponsors_bioguide_id(uri, user, password): driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=(user, password)) with driver.session() as session: # Cypher query to get all Bill nodes and match Person node with the same bioguideId query = """ MATCH (b:Bill) WITH b, b.`sponsors.0.bioguideId` AS bioguideId OPTIONAL MATCH (p:Person {bioguideId: bioguideId}) WHERE NOT EXISTS((b)-[:SPONSORED]->(p)) RETURN b.`sponsors.0.bioguideId` AS sponsorBioguideId, p """ result = for record in result: sponsor_bioguide_id = record['sponsorBioguideId'] matched_person = record['p'] # Print the value of sponsors.0.bioguideId and the matched Person node # print(f"Value of sponsors.0.bioguideId: {sponsor_bioguide_id}") if matched_person: person_properties = matched_person.items() print("Matched Person Node:") for key, value in person_properties: print(f"{key}: {value}") # Create the SPONSORED relationship create_relationship_query = """ MATCH (b:Bill), (p:Person {bioguideId: $bioguideId}) WHERE b.`sponsors.0.bioguideId` = $sponsorBioguideId CREATE (p)-[:SPONSORED]->(b) """, bioguideId=sponsor_bioguide_id, sponsorBioguideId=sponsor_bioguide_id) print("Created SPONSORED relationship.") else: continue # print("No matching Person node found.") driver.close() # Call the function with your connection info get_sponsors_bioguide_id(NEO4J_URI, NEO4J_USER, NEO4J_PASSWORD)